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Launch of the National Action Plan (NAP) calls for safe, secure and affordable housing

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul launched its national housing campaign on February 7, 2021, the feast day of Blessed Sister Rosalie Rendu. The theme is "Safe, secure and affordable housing is a human right". Everyone deserves to have safe and adequate housing for their families. This is their right and it is certainly one that every Vincentian should support. We encourage all members of the Society to consider one or more of the various actions in the NAP. Additional material will be shared throughout the year.

As Vincentians, we constantly witness the devastation that the lack of safe, secure affordable housing has on the people we serve.

Across the country, we have seen how people are often forced to choose between paying for rent or buying decent food or even medications. Others put up with sub-standard or even dangerous accommodations so that they can pay for basic needs. These stories compel us to act and advocate on behalf of persons in need.

In recognition of the 20th anniversary of National Housing Day (November 22, 2020) shelter providers Adsum for Women & Children, Out of the Cold Community Association, Phoenix Youth Programs and Shelter Nova Scotia jointly issued this statement on the current state of housing in our community.

Temporary emergency shelters built for homeless in Halifax 2020
Temporary emergency shelters, Halifax, NS, 2020

In response to the NAP, the Social Justice Committee has taken the following steps to engage our conferences in fulfilling this vision.

1. Selected a Halifax Particular Council (HPC) Housing Champion 2. Established a Housing Working Group (HWG) within the Social Justice Committee 3. Tasked the HWG to develop and recommend a Housing related strategy for the HPC.

The HWG then:

  • Engaged with the National Action Committee on Housing, providing advice on the roll-out of the NAP,

  • Carried out research on local housing issues,

  • Communicated with stakeholders in the local area - Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, Archdiocese, Affordable Housing Association of Nova Scotia, Shelter Nova Scotia, Out of the Cold (OTC) Shelter, etc.

  • Prepared a working draft of strategic objectives.

  • Hosted a Workshop for HPC members, March 20, 2021.

chart depicting the housing continuum from ending homelessness to home ownership
Housing Continuum
You must not be content with
tiding the poor over the
poverty crisis; you must study
their condition and the
injustices which brought about
such poverty with the aim of
long term improvement.

Frédéric Ozanam



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Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Halifax Particular Council
Charitable Number: 133233445RR0001

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