Find Help Near You
Our volunteers, known as Vincentians, provide assistance to people in their own neighbourhood or town. In the spirit of our founder, Frédéric Ozanam, we take an in-person approach as much as possible. Please see the map below to determine which group (called Conferences) of Vincentians serves people where you live.
No distinction is made as to whom we serve. We serve our neighbours of every faith, race & culture, age, ability & health status, legal status, and all people in the LGBTQ+ community.
We respond to your calls for assistance for basic living needs to the best of our ability and resources. Due to limited funds we may need to restrict how frequently we provide help it each individual. Unfortunately, we do not have Vincentians available in every area of Nova Scotia.
Using our Conference map below, please contact one of our volunteers teams by selecting the community which is closest to you. Click on the + sign to zoom in on the map. If you are unsure of which conference serves your area, please see the Contact page to reach our administration office for direction.
Please Note: If you live in Dartmouth (including Cole Harbour) and require assistance, please call (902) 435-2500, Ext. 4.
Please click the following links for information on the specific areas we serve:
Fall River/Wellington/Enfield/Lantz
Wolfville & Canning
Another excellent source of services is 211, a directory of all services available in Nova Scotia. This service lists everything available provincially, through public, community and private organizations and covers everything from housing needs, clothing, medical, legal and financial services and more. You can phone 211 or visit their website by clicking on the logo.