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About SSVP-Halifax

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is an international organization formed mainly of Catholic volunteers who seek personal and spiritual growth through service to those most in need.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) was established in 1833. Frédéric Ozanam, its main founder, was a twenty-year-old student at the University of Sorbonne in Paris, France. When he was challenged to show his faith through action, he and a small group of friends started visiting the homes of those living in poverty. They provided firewood and food, and offered friendship and care as they responded holistically to the needs of families. Frédéric Ozanam saw charity and justice as being intertwined and worked to address injustices in the society around him in order to bring about long-term improvement in people’s lives. Taking inspiration from Saint Vincent de Paul, who had lived and worked some two hundred years prior, Frédéric and his friends named him as the patron saint of the Society. The organization expanded and now can be found in over one hundred countries.

Visiting individuals and families in their homes remains the fundamental work of the Society. Volunteers called Vincentians are organized into parish-based units known as conferences. Through their visits, they build relationships, offer encouragement, advocacy, connections to community resources, and practical assistance for a range of needs. In an effort to further Frédéric’s vision of charity and justice, members also work to identify and address the root causes of poverty that will transform lives.

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul began In Halifax in 1853. St. Mary’s Conference was the first to be formed, followed by St. Patrick and St. Joseph Conferences. In 1867 the Halifax Particular Council (HPC) was established with membership from the three conferences. The Society's early activities focused on raising funds for the destitute through such activities as steamboat excursions to McNabs Island.

Today, HPC coordinates the activities of 16 conferences Halifax Particular Council (HPC) made up of volunteers from Catholic parishes in the Halifax side of the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) and surrounding areas as well as Amherst, Bridgewater, Truro and Wolfville.


HPC also operates two Special Works, Hope Cottage, which provides free meals to those in need, and our thrift store, Hand in Hand, which provides low and no-cost clothing and household goods to the community. Our third Special Works project, a supportive housing space called Ozanam Place, will be opening in the summer of 2025. 

The work of the Society is funded by donations from parishioners and donors who support the mission of the Society. We are truly grateful for their generosity.

​For additional information on SSVP, please visit our National and International websites.


Frédéric Ozanam


Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Halifax Particular Council
Charitable Number: 133233445RR0001

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